"Maybe" Audio Book CD

List Price: $10 plus tax and shipping
Audio CD: (8/1/08)
Number of Discs: 1

Publisher: Steffi Music Publishing

Producers: Stephanie Owens
and Leonard Hubbard

Languages: English and Chinese

"Aniyah and the King" Audio Book CD

List Price: $10 plus tax and shipping
Audio CD: (8/1/08)
Number of Discs: 1

Publisher: Steffi Music Publishing

Producers: Stephanie Owens
and Leonard Hubbard

Languages: English

Click for sample of Aniyah's Theme
The first and second books of the Aniyah Series "Maybe" and "Aniyah and the Magic Mirror"
are available as audio books read by the author Stephanie Owens.

This series will help show children valuable life lessons as seen through the eyes of a five year old.

"Maybe" teaches children how to deal with disappointment. Aniyah makes outdoor plans that fail to happen due to bad weather. At first she is greatly distressed. She and her mother then come up with a wonderful alternative indoor activity. Her original plans are saved for another day.

Book two, "Aniyah and the Magic Mirror" teaches children about compassion. The story takes place in New York City with Aniyah and her parents on there annual family trip. As a reward for her kindness Aniyah is given a magic mirror, which she uses to spread compassion throughout Times Square. After losing the mirror she discovers that the magic wasn't in the mirror but within herself.

215-844-3121 • 5555 Germantown Ave., 3rd Floor, Phila., PA 19144